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Content State


This helper does not require @iiif/vault to work and the helpers can be used on any loaded Presentation 3 resource.

Collection of helpers that can encode, decode and normalize IIIF Content State to be read by viewers.

Available helpers:

  • parseContentState(stateString, isAsync)
  • normaliseContentState(annotation)
  • serialiseContentState(annotation)
  • encodeContentState(stateString)
  • decodeContentState(encodedContentState)
  • validateContentState(annotation)


This is the primary helper that can be used to parse content state. The input can either be an encoded string or a decoded JSON string.

import { parseContentState } from "@iiif/vault-helpers/content-state";

const state = parseContentState('JTdCJTIyaWQlMjIlM0ElM ...');
/* =>
id: ',2000,1000,2000',
type: 'Canvas',
partOf: [{ id: '', type: 'Manifest' }],

Once parsed, the content state can be normalized - or used like this. If the content state is a remote resource, you can pass the isAsync and await the result. This will fetch the remote annotation:

import { parseContentState } from "@iiif/vault-helpers/content-state";

const state = await parseContentState('', true);

normaliseContentState(stateString, isAsync)

Given the following decoded content state:

"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": "Annotation",
"motivation": ["contentState"],
"target": {
"id": ",2000,1000,2000",
"type": "Canvas",
"partOf": [
"id": "",
"type": "Manifest"

The normalisation step will produce:

"id": "",
"type": "Annotation",
"motivation": ["contentState"],
"target": [{
"selector": {
"spatial": {
"height": 2000,
"unit": "pixel",
"width": 1000,
"x": 1000,
"y": 2000,
"type": "BoxSelector",
"selectors": [
"spatial": {
"height": 2000,
"unit": "pixel",
"width": 1000,
"x": 1000,
"y": 2000,
"type": "BoxSelector",
"source": {
"id": "",
"partOf": [{
"id": "",
"type": "Manifest",
"type": "Canvas",
"type": "SpecificResource",


This will produce a base64 encoded content state that can be used and decoded by another viewer.

import { serialiseContentState } from "@iiif/vault-helpers/content-state";

const encoded = serialiseContentState({
id: ',2000,1000,2000',
type: 'Canvas',
partOf: [{ id: '', type: 'Manifest' }],
}); // => JTdCJTIyaWQlMjI...


Similar to serialiseContentState but it must already be a JSON string.

import { serialiseContentState } from "@iiif/vault-helpers/content-state";

const encoded = serialiseContentState(`{
"id": ",2000,1000,2000",
"type": "Canvas",
"partOf": [{ "id": "", "type": "Manifest" }],
}`); // => JTdCJTIyaWQlMjI...


This is the counter-part to encodeContentState(), returning a JSON string that can be passed to JSON.parse().

const state = parseContentState('JTdCJTIyaWQlMjIlM0ElM ...');

// -> '{"id": ",2000,1000,2000", ...

This uses the Annotation targets helper internally to parse the selector within the content state.



Validation is still a work in progress.

Takes in a decoded content state, either as an Object or a JSON string.

"type": "Annotation",
"target": "",
"partOf": "",
`); // -> true

The second argument strict will ensure that the content state has a partOf if the "type" is a canvas.